Saturday, May 17, 2008


No Susan I do not have more gas. I am just so happy to be done! The last two weeks I have been going to CNA school and it has all come to an almost close. I graduated yesterday but I still have to take my state exams. No Katy spelling is not a part of the state exam. I knew a bottom face like you would ask something mean like that. I have been doing clinicals that last week though and its been soo fun. I have been wiping bottoms measuring people fluids, watching really small people lift giants. It is almost like the circus. Also, I saw a wound vac. It was a highlight. On a completely diffrent note. Shannon told me her doctor wears hello Kitty scrubs to impress her. I thought that was funny. I also think that people who haven't seen Clifford the movie should go out and see it. It is so funny!


Susan said...

More Gas? What you talk'n bout Willis?

Katy said...

Maggie, although you are no did figure out how to post all by yourself!! YAY!! I thought this day would never come...I'm so proud. *tear*

Katy said...

I just wanted to add...come home (to Utah), I miss you!

Marge said...

oh some one being nice! tear...

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